1 This game is SLASH'EM Extended by Amy, and hopefully at the time of you reading this it's still in development, but either way, you might be one of those people who think they absolutely have to make changes to the game. If that is so, you're most probably thinking of removing stuff that you personally don't like; unfortunately the game is open source, so there's nothing preventing you from doing so, but know one thing: I (Amy) will not endorse, sponsor or support any game made by third parties (that's you) that uses my game's code as a base and if you run into bugs or trouble, do not expect me to help you fix them because I've got enough work fixing the game I care about, which is SLASH'EM Extended and none other. Also, if you intend to publish your own modified version of the game, *please* give it some distinctive name like "SLASH'EM Dextered" or SLASH'EM-Minus-Evil" or whatever, so that it doesn't contain the "SLASH'EM Extended" string in its name and does not abbreviate to "SLEX". Thank you!
3 "But Amy! I only removed three nasty traps and a dozen monsters, surely you will support my version?"
4 Nope. If you remove as much as one thing I added to the game, it's no longer SLEX and I will not support it, period.
6 "But Amy! You must realize that the thing I removed was unbalanced/offensive/lame/stupid/<whatever>!"
7 Nope. I added those things to the game because I want them in the game. If you remove them, the resulting game is no longer the final product that I envisioned when I designed SLEX, and I therefore want nothing to do with it.
9 "But seriously, the entire nethack community agrees with me that the removals I did were for the best and many more players are willing to play my game compared to yours..."
10 Maybe, but I don't care, because I don't create SLEX to "please" you or the members of some community or whatever, I'm developing the game primarily for myself. It doesn't matter to me whether there's one person disagreeing with SLEX's content, or five people, or twenty, or a thousand, or even a million. SLEX is my game and I want it to be the way I envisioned, against all odds if necessary. If you do make changes and publish your version, rename the game and make it clear to your players that I am not the person to talk to if they encounter bugs or request new features etc. Only SLEX (and BIGslex, but that's the same game, just a different compile option setting) is the game I'm responsible for, and only the version I created, with no modifications from third parties.
12 "Hey, but I heard that you're dead, Amy! Surely now I can change stuff however I want?"
13 Well hopefully it'll be a while until that statement is true, as I intend to be developing SLEX for a couple decades if possible, but even if I were to actually be dead by the time you're reading this, you're still not supposed to make changes to the game unless you also rename the game. Otherwise, my ghost will rise from the grave to haunt you for all eternity because I do not want a game that calls itself "SLASH'EM Extended" to float around that contains changes I would in no way have made myself.
15 "Are you really that grumpy and defensive about your silly game, Amy?"
21 "Why aren't you in a lunatic asylum yet, Amy?"
22 That's a good question. But I'm hoping to never see one of those from the inside. Because if I were to be put into one, it'd become exceedingly difficult to continue my work on the game.
24 "Well then, at least kindly tell me what drugs you're using, Amy? Surely they ain't legal."
27 "Surely you do, especially just when you're about to start coding stuff for your silly game?"
28 No. If I did, the game would crash a lot more often because coding while high makes it less likely for the developer to catch obvious bugs, let alone non-obvious ones.
30 "You're really batshit crazy, Amy."
31 Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment.
33 TL/DR: if you intend to modify this game, then please change the game's name before releasing it. The name "SLASH'EM Extended" and the acronym "SLEX" are supposed to be used only for my (Amy's) original version of this game, with no third-party modifications. I cannot legally bind anyone to adhere to this request but if you're not a huge asshole, you will be kind enough to do so.
35 This document was created by Amy Bluescreenofdeath.